Guest Editor, Special Issue on Cloud Data Management, Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST), May, 2013.
Workshop Chair, Fourth International Workshop on Cloud Data Management(CloudDB2012) In conjunction with CIKM 2012, October 29, 2012. Maui Hawaii, USA.
General Chair, Extremely Large Database Conference at Asia(XLDB Asia2012), June 22-23, Beijing, China.
Best Paper Committee Co-Chairs, The 17th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2012), April 15-18, 2012, Busan, South Korea.
Workshop Chair, First International Workshop on Flash-based Database Systems(FlashDB2012), April 15, 2012, Busan, South Korea.
Workshop Chair, Third International Workshop on Cloud Data Management(CloudDB2011) In conjunction with CIKM 2011, October 28, 2011. Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Workshop Chair, First International Workshop on Flash-based Database Systems(FlashDB2011), April 22, 2011, Hong Kong, China
General Chair, The 27th National Database Conference of China(NDBC2010), Oct.13-16, 2010, Beijing, China.
Demo Co-Chair, The 36th International Conference on Very Large Databases(VLDB2010), Sept. 13 - 17, 2010, Singapore
Workshop Co-Chair, The 15th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications(DASFAA2010), April 1-5, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan
DB Vice Co-chair, ACM 18th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2009), November 2-6, 2009, Hong Kong
General Chair, First International Workshop on Cloud Data Management(CloudDB2009), November 6, 2009, Hong Kong, China
2023-12-03 北京 孟小峰 致辞 第二届空间数据智能战略研讨会
2023-07-17 乌鲁木齐 孟小峰 致辞 第八届大数据与社会计算学术会议(CAAI BDSC2023)
2023-04-15 南昌 孟小峰 致辞 第四届中国空间数据智能学术会议(SpatialDI 2023)
2023-04-08 深圳 孟小峰 致辞 第三届社会计算与社会智能交叉学科战略探讨会
2022-08-13 北京 孟小峰 Invited Talk 第七届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议
2021-12-09 北京 孟小峰 Invited Talk CAAI第六届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议
2021-5-28 重庆 孟小峰 Invited Talk 大数据数据库系统研究
2021-5-26 北京 孟小峰 Invited Talk 第287期双清论坛做“复杂系统管理与数据智能方法”报告
2021-4-23 杭州 孟小峰 致辞 第二届中国空间数据智能学术会议
2020-12-14 线上 孟小峰 Invited Talk 第二届社会计算国际会议
Moving Objects Management: Models, Techniques and Applications, Springer-TUP, 2010
I am excited about the book because it - by its very choice of topics and its coverage of these - offers structure to this rapidly evolving area. It introduces the reader to key tropics in data management for moving objects, offering both overviews and covering specific techniques in considerable detail. The book covers modeling, query processing techniques, and applications.
The book meets the need for a coherent account of the state-of-the-art on important topics in the area of moving-object data management, which is at the core of the evolving mobile Internet. It comes highly recommended to research students and researchers new to the topics covered, as well as to experienced researchers.
--- Preface by Christian S. Jensen, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Editor in Chief of the VLDB Journal
孟小峰:《XML数据管理:概念与技术》(中国计算机学会学术著作丛书,清华大学出版社), 2009
孟小峰,丁治明: 《移动数据管理:概念与技术》(中国计算机学会学术著作丛书,清华大学出版社) ,2009