· Qingqing Ye, Haibo Hu, Ninghui Li, Xiaofeng Meng, Huadi Zheng, Haotian Yan: Beyond Value Perturbation: Local Differential Privacy in the Temporal Setting. INFOCOM : 1-10(2021)
· Junxu Liu, Jian Lou, Li Xiong, Jinfei Liu and Xiaofeng Meng: Projected Federated Averaging with Heterogeneous Differential Privacy. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(4): 828–840(2021).
· Changyin Luo, Tangpeng Dan, Yanhong Li, Xiaofeng Meng, Guohui Li: Why-not questions about spatial temporal top-k trajectory similarity search. Knowl. Based Syst. 231: 107407 (2021)
· 张祎,孟小峰.InterTris:三元交互的领域知识图谱表示学习[J].计算机学报,2021,44(08):1535-1548.
· 孟小峰, 刘立新. 基于区块链的数据透明化:问题与挑战[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2021, 第58卷(2):237-252.
· 朱敏杰,叶青青,孟小峰,杨鑫.基于权限的移动应用程序隐私风险量化[J].中国科学:信息科学,2021,51(07):1100-1115
· 孟小峰. 科学数据智能:人工智能在科学发现中的机遇与挑战[J]. 中国科学基金,2021,35(3):419-425.
· 王雷霞,孟小峰.ESA:一种新型的隐私保护框架[J].计算机研究与发展,2022,59(01):144-171.(2021年在线出版)
· Gang Pan, Hui Lin, Xiaofeng Meng, Yunjun Gao, Yong Li, Qingfeng Guan, Zhiming Ding: Spatial Data and Intelligence - Second International Conference, SpatialDI 2021, Hangzhou, China, April 22-24, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12753, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-85461-4.
· Xiaofeng Meng, Xing Xie, Yang Yue, Zhiming Ding:Spatial Data and Intelligence - First International Conference, SpatialDI 2020, Virtual Event, May 8-9, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12567, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-69872-0.
· Xiaofeng Meng, Fusheng Wang, Chang-Tien Lu, Yan Huang, Shashi Shekhar, Xing Xie:
· SIGSPATIAL '21: 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Virtual Event / Beijing, China, November 2-5, 2021. ACM 2021, ISBN 978-1-4503-8664-7.
· Shuo Wang, Aishan Maoliniyazi, Xinle Wu, and Xiaofeng Meng. Emo2Vec: Learning emotional embeddings via multi-emotion category[J]. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2020, 20(2): 1-17.
· Wu X, Wang L, Wang S, et al. A Unified Adversarial Learning Framework for Semi-supervised Multi-target Domain Adaptation[C], DASFAA 2020.
· Chen Yang, Yongjie Du, Zhihui Du, Xiaofeng Meng:Micro Analysis to Enable Energy-Efficient Database Systems. EDBT 2020: 61-72
· Q. Ye, H. Hu, M. H. Au, X. Meng, X. Xiao. LF-GDPR: Graph Metric Estimation with Local Differential Privacy. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
· Q. Ye, H. Hu, M. H. Au, X. Meng, X. Xiao. Towards Locally Differentially Private Generic Graph Metric Estimation. Proc. of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’20), Dallas, USA, Apr. 2020, pp 1922-1925.
· Minjie Zhu , Qingqing Ye , Xiaofeng Meng , Xin Yang . Permission-based mobile application privacy risk quantification[J]. Science in China: Information Science, accepted
· Xiaofeng Meng , Lixin Liu . Blockchain and Data Governance[J]. National Science Foundation of China, 2020,34(1):12-17.
· Xiaofeng Meng ,Lixin Liu . Blockchain-based data transparency: problems and challenges[J]. Computer Research and Development, accepted
· Xiaofeng Meng .Study on Several Governance Models of Cracking Data Monopoly[J].People's Forum,2020(27):58-61.
基于Transformer结构的自动化关系抽取系统 |
一种面向数据库应用的数据搬移的能耗特征化方法及系统 |
批准号:ZL201910384159.0 申请日期:2019.05.09 生效日期:2022.08.23 发证单位:国家专利局 发明人:孟小峰 专利权人:中国人民大学 |
批准号:ZL201910602391.7 申请日期:2019.07.05 生效日期:2021.03.23 发证单位:国家专利局 发明人:孟小峰;杨晨 专利权人:中国人民大学 |
NDBC2012 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. Y. Fan, W. Lai, X. Meng: Database Table Scan and Aggregation by Exploiting Internal Parallelism of SSDs. In Proceedings of the 29th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2012).Hefei.
NDBC2012 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. J. Zhang, J. Wen, X. Meng: Multi-Tag Route Query Based on Order Constraints in Road Networks. In Proceedings of the 29th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2012).Hefei.
NDBC2012 Best Demo Show Award. Y. Gan, Y. Shi, X. Meng: COLA: A Cloud-based On-Line Aggregation System (Demonstration). In Proceedings of the 29th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2012).Hefei.
NDBC2011 Best Demo Show Award. W. Chen, Z. Wang, S. Yang, P. Zhang, X. Meng: ScholarSpace: An Academic Space for Computer Science Researchers (Demonstration). In proceedings of the 28th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2011).Shanghai
NDBC2011 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. Y. Huang, Z. Huo, X. Meng: CoPrivacy: A Collaborative Location Privacy-preserving Method without Cloaking Region. In Proceedings of the 28th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2011).Shanghai
NDBC2011 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. X. Qi, X. Tang, Z. Liang, X. Meng: OAFTL: An Efficient Flash Translation Layer for Enterprise Application. In Proceedings of the 28th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2011).Shanghai
NDBC2010 Best Demo Show Award. X. Hu, J. Zhao, X. Meng, Z. Wang, Y. Shi, B. Liu, H. Wang: TaijiDB: A Dual-Core Cloud-based Database System. In Proceedings of the 27th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2010).Beijing
NDBC2010 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. Z. Lu, X. Meng, D. Zhou: HV-recovery: A High Efficient Recovery Technique for Flashed-based Database. In Proceedings of the 27th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2010).Beijing
NDBC2009 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. J. Huang, J. Lu, X. Meng: Efficient XML Keyword Query Refinement with Meaningful Results Generation. In Proceedings of the 26th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2009).Nanchang
NDBC2008 Sa Shi Xuan Best Paper Award. J. Zhu, W. Wang, J. Zhou, X.Meng: Efficient Processing of XML Twig Pattern Based on Related Semantics. In Proceedings of the 25th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2008).Guilin
NDBC2007 Best Paper Award. X. Zhang, X. Meng, J. Zhu, W. Wang, J. Huang: OrientStore+: A Native XML Storage Strategy for Efficient Update. In Proceedings of the 24th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2007).Haikou
NDBC2005 Best Paper Award. J. Chen, Z. Hu, X. Meng, L. Wang: Indexing the Past, Present and Future Positions of Moving Objects in Urban Traffic Networks. In Proceedings of the 22nd National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2005).Neimenggu
NDBC2004 Best Paper Award. D. Hu, X. Meng: Automatically Extracting Web Data Using Tree Structure. In Proceedings of the 21st National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2004).Xiamen
NDBC2003 Best Paper Award. J. Wang, X. Meng, S. Wang: Target Node Aimed Path Expression Processing for XML Data. In Proceedings of the 20th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2003).Changsha
NDBC2003 Best Paper Award. D. Luo, X. Meng, Y. Jiang: Updating of Extended Preorder Numbering Scheme on XML. In Proceedings of the 20th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2003).Changsha
NDBC2002 Best Paper Award. M. Gu, H. Wang, X. Meng: Schema-Guided Wrapper Maintenance. In Proceedings of the 19th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2002).Zhengzhou
NDBC2001 Best Paper Award. Z. Ding, X. Meng, S. Wang: A Novel Transactional Synchronization Scheme for Replicated Mobile Database Systems. In Proceedings of the 18th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2001).Qinhuangdao
NDBC2000 Best Paper Award. H. Wang, X. Meng: A XML-based Web Information query System XWIS: Architecture and Its Implementation. In Proceedings of the 17th National Database Conference of China (NDBC 2000).Baoding
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