Moving Objects management: Models, Techniques and Applications
Moving Objects management:
Models, Techniques and Applications
由孟小峰教授和陈继东博士撰写的英文学术专著Moving Objects management: Models, Techniques and Applications由计算机领域权威出版机构斯普林格(Springer)和清华大学出版社联合在国内外正式出版发行。
丹麦奥尔堡大学教授Christian S. Jensen为本书专门作序,给本书以高度的评价,认为“The book meets the need for a coherent account of the state-of-the-art on important topics in the area of moving-object data management, which is at the core of the evolving mobile Internet. It comes highly recommended to research students and researchers new to the topics covered, as well as to experienced researchers”(该书全面系统地阐述了移动互联网的核心技术--移动对象数据管理的重要研究议题。值得高度推荐给研究生及相关研究人员)。Christian S. Jensen教授目前担任国际数据库顶级期刊VLDBJ主编、国际数据库组织SIGMOD副主席,是移动数据管理领域著名专家。
孟小峰教授从事该领域研究已有十年之久,先后承担过国家自然基金资助的相关课题(获特优结题评价)、NSFC/CNRS联合资助项目、中法先进计划PRA资助项目,发表多篇高水平论文,拥有两项专利,并担任该领域重要国际会议移动数据管理(MDM)指导委员会委员(Steering Committee member)。该书是以上研究成果的结晶,是十年磨一剑的力作。
Christian S. Jensen序摘录:
We live in an age of rapid technological development. The Internet already affects our lives in many ways. Indeed, we continue to depend more, and more intrinsically, on the Internet, which is increasingly becoming a fundamental piece of societal infrastructure, just as water supply, electricity grids, and transportation networks have been for a long time. But while these other infrastructures are relatively static, the Internet is undergoing swift and fundamental change: Notably, the Internet is going mobile.
In short, this is the backdrop for this very timely book on moving objects by Xiaofeng Meng and Jidong Chen.
Meng and Chen's book concerns data management for moving objects on the mobile Internet. This important area is subject to intense research by a large and global community of scientists. And due to its many and diverse contributions, this area is also often confusing: it is difficult to attain an overview of important topics and solutions.
I am excited about the book because it - by its very choice of topics and its coverage of these - offers structure to this rapidly evolving area. It introduces the reader to key tropics in data management for moving objects, offering both overviews and covering specific techniques in considerable detail. The book covers modeling, query processing techniques, and applications.
The book meets the need for a coherent account of the state-of-the-art on important topics in the area of moving-object data management, which is at the core of the evolving mobile Internet. It comes highly recommended to research students and researchers new to the topics covered, as well as to experienced researchers.

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